SPIFFS : Understanding the Basics of the SPI Flash File System| use with ESP32

SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System) is a file system for storing files on flash memory chips, such as those commonly found in microcontroller systems like the ESP8266 and ESP32. It provides a simple and efficient way to store and retrieve data, much like a traditional file system on a computer. SPIFFS is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, and it is well-suited for projects that require basic file system functionality.

What is SPIFFS?

SPIFFS (Serial Peripheral Interface Flash File System) is a file system designed to store and retrieve data in flash memory chips on microcontrollers, typically in embedded systems like IoT devices. SPIFFS was created to address the issue of limited storage available in microcontrollers, and provides functionalities like opening, reading, writing, and deleting files, and managing directories in a similar way to the standard file system on a computer.

SPIFFS is designed to be simple, efficient and easy to use. It does not support features such as subdirectories, permissions, timestamps, etc. as they are not necessary in most embedded systems. The flash memory is organized into pages, and SPIFFS manages these pages to store the data and metadata efficiently.

How SPIFFS works?

SPIFFS works by organizing the flash memory into pages and sectors. When data is written to the flash memory, SPIFFS keeps track of the pages and sectors that are being used, and manages them in a way that minimizes the number of erase operations required. This is important because erase operations are slower and have a limited number of cycles, which can shorten the lifespan of the flash memory.

SPIFFS stores the data and metadata, such as the file name and size, in a file table. This file table is used to keep track of which pages and sectors contain data for each file. When data is written to a file, SPIFFS finds an available page, writes the data to the page, and updates the file table to reflect the change.

When reading data from a file, SPIFFS uses the information in the file table to locate the pages that contain the data and retrieve it. When a file is deleted, SPIFFS updates the file table to mark the pages as free and available for reuse.

SPIFFS works by managing the flash memory as a collection of pages, and using a file table to keep track of the data stored in each file. This allows SPIFFS to store and retrieve data efficiently, while minimizing the number of erase operations required and extending the lifespan of the flash memory.

Where SPIFFS can be used?

SPIFFS can be used in a variety of embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices that require non-volatile storage for data. Some of the most common use cases for SPIFFS include:

  1. Data logging: Many IoT devices collect data that needs to be stored for later retrieval and analysis. SPIFFS provides a convenient way to store this data in flash memory, even if power is lost.
  2. Configuration storage: Many embedded systems and IoT devices have configuration parameters that need to be stored in non-volatile memory. SPIFFS provides a convenient way to store these parameters in flash memory.
  3. File storage: SPIFFS can be used to store files, such as firmware updates, audio or video data, and other types of content.
  4. Web servers: SPIFFS can be used to store HTML, JavaScript, and other types of content for use by a web server running on an embedded system or IoT device.
  5. In general, SPIFFS is well-suited for use in any embedded system or IoT device that requires efficient and flexible non-volatile storage for data.
  6. Wearables: Many wearables, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, need to store data such as step counts, heart rate, and other health metrics. SPIFFS provides an efficient way to store this data in flash memory, even if the device is not connected to a power source.
  7. Home Automation: SPIFFS can be used to store the configuration and state data of smart home devices, such as lights, thermostats, and security systems.
  8. Industrial Controls: SPIFFS can be used to store configuration and state data in industrial control systems, such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and robotic systems.
  9. Medical Devices: SPIFFS can be used to store configuration, calibration, and patient data in medical devices, such as blood glucose monitors and heart monitors.
  10. Smart Energy: SPIFFS can be used to store data in smart energy devices, such as smart meters and renewable energy systems.
  11. Automotive: SPIFFS can be used to store data in automotive systems, such as navigation systems, telematics systems, and infotainment systems.

SPIFFS can be used in a wide variety of embedded systems and IoT devices, making it a versatile and useful tool for developers working in these areas.

Advantages of SPIFFS

There are several advantages to using SPIFFS in embedded systems and IoT devices:

  1. Efficient storage: SPIFFS is designed to minimize the number of erase operations required to store and retrieve data, extending the lifespan of flash memory.
  2. Lightweight: SPIFFS is a lightweight file system that does not require much memory to run, making it well-suited for use on microcontrollers with limited resources.
  3. Easy to use: SPIFFS provides a simple and intuitive interface for storing and retrieving data, making it easy for developers to use.
  4. Persistent storage: SPIFFS provides non-volatile storage for data, which means that data is retained even if power is lost.
  5. Flexible: SPIFFS supports a variety of file formats and can store different types of data, such as text files, binary data, and images.
  6. Small code footprint: SPIFFS has a small code footprint, making it well-suited for use in embedded systems with limited memory.
  7. Cross-platform compatibility: SPIFFS is compatible with a variety of microcontrollers and platforms, making it easy to port code between different systems.
  8. Multiple file support: SPIFFS supports multiple files and folders, allowing developers to organize their data in a meaningful way.
  9. No wear leveling required: Unlike some other file systems that require wear leveling to extend the lifespan of flash memory, SPIFFS is designed to minimize the number of erase operations required, making it simpler and more efficient.
  10. Compression support: SPIFFS supports data compression, which can reduce the amount of flash memory required to store data, and increase the efficiency of data storage and retrieval.
  11. No external library dependencies: SPIFFS is a self-contained file system that does not require any external libraries, making it easier to integrate into an embedded system or IoT device.
  12. Debugging and error checking: SPIFFS provides error checking and debugging features, making it easier to diagnose and resolve problems with data storage and retrieval.

SPIFFS offers a range of advantages for developers of embedded systems and IoT devices, including efficient storage, a lightweight design, flexible API, persistent storage, cross-platform compatibility, multiple file support, compression support, and built-in error checking and debugging features.

Limitations of SPIFFS

Like any technology, SPIFFS has some limitations that developers should be aware of:

  1. Limited size: The maximum size of a SPIFFS partition is limited by the amount of flash memory available on the device.
  2. Limited performance: The performance of SPIFFS may be limited compared to other file systems, particularly for large files or high-speed data transfer.
  3. Limited security: SPIFFS does not provide any built-in security features, such as encryption or authentication, and it is up to the developer to implement these features as needed.
  4. No journaling: SPIFFS does not provide journaling, which means that data may be lost if power is lost during a write operation.
  5. No support for subdirectories: SPIFFS does not support subdirectories, making it more difficult to organize large numbers of files.
  6. Complex error handling: Error handling can be complex with SPIFFS, and it is up to the developer to implement error checking and recovery.
  7. SPIFFS has some limitations, including limited size and performance, limited security, no journaling or support for subdirectories, and complex error handling. Developers should carefully consider these limitations when deciding whether to use SPIFFS in their embedded systems or IoT devices.
  8. No support for hard links or symbolic links: SPIFFS does not support hard links or symbolic links, making it more difficult to manage file relationships and structures.
  9. No support for file permissions: SPIFFS does not provide any mechanism for setting file permissions, which may limit the ability to control access to data.
  10. Limited file and folder naming conventions: SPIFFS has limited support for file and folder naming conventions, which may make it difficult to use with some existing file systems or tools.
  11. No support for extended file attributes: SPIFFS does not support extended file attributes, such as timestamps or ownership information, which may limit the ability to manage files in some use cases.
  12. No support for file system resizing: SPIFFS does not provide any mechanism for resizing the file system, which means that the size of the SPIFFS partition must be determined in advance and cannot be changed later.

SPIFFS has several limitations, including limited size and performance, limited security, no journaling, no support for subdirectories, complex error handling, limited file and folder naming conventions, no support for hard links or symbolic links, no support for file permissions, no support for extended file attributes, and no support for file system resizing. Developers should consider these limitations when deciding whether to use SPIFFS in their embedded systems or IoT devices.

Use  SPiFFS with ESP32 

You can use SPIFFS with ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. Here are the general steps to use SPIFFS with ESP32 in the Arduino IDE:

  1. Install the ESP32 board package: To use ESP32 in the Arduino IDE, you need to install the ESP32 board package. This can be done by going to the "Board Manager" in the Arduino IDE and searching for "ESP32".
  2. Install the SPIFFS library: The next step is to install the SPIFFS library for the ESP32. This library provides an API for accessing the SPIFFS file system on the ESP32. The library can be installed through the Arduino IDE library manager by searching for "ESP32 SPIFFS".
  3. Create a SPIFFS partition: The next step is to create a SPIFFS partition on the flash memory of the ESP32. This can be done using the ESP32 Sketch Data Upload tool in the Arduino IDE.
  4. Mount the SPIFFS partition: After creating the SPIFFS partition, you need to mount it so that it can be used to store and retrieve data. This can be done in your Arduino sketch by calling the SPIFFS.begin() function.
  5. Read and write to the SPIFFS file system: Once the SPIFFS partition is mounted, you can read and write to the file system using the SPIFFS API. You can open a file using the SPIFFS.open() function, read from the file using the read() function, and write to the file using the write() function.

Example code for Use of SPIFFS with ESP32

Example code for performing basic file operations using SPIFFS on ESP32 in the Arduino IDE:e

#include <FS.h>

#include <SPIFFS.h>

void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){

    Serial.printf("Listing directory: %s\r\n", dirname);

    File root = fs.open(dirname);


        Serial.println("- failed to open directory");




        Serial.println(" - not a directory");



    File file = root.openNextFile();



            Serial.print("  DIR : ");



                listDir(fs, file.path(), levels -1);


        } else {

            Serial.print("  FILE: ");


            Serial.print("\tSIZE: ");



        file = root.openNextFile();



void setup() {


  // Initialize SPIFFS

  if (!SPIFFS.begin(true)) {

    Serial.println("Error mounting SPIFFS");



 // Create a directory

  if (SPIFFS.mkdir("/mydir")) {

    Serial.println("Directory created successfully");

  } else {

    Serial.println("Error creating directory");


  // Create a file in the directory

  File file = SPIFFS.open("/mydir/file.txt", "w");

  if (!file) {

    Serial.println("Error creating file");



 Serial.println("File created");

  // Write to the file

  Serial.println(" Write Hello, SPIFFS in the file");

  file.println("Hello, SPIFFS!");


  //Read the file

    file = SPIFFS.open("/mydir/file.txt", "r");

  if (!file) {

    Serial.println("Error opening file");



  // Print the contents of the file

  while (file.available()) {




// Append to the file

  file = SPIFFS.open("/mydir/file.txt", "a");

  if (!file) {

    Serial.println("Error opening file");



 // Write to the end of the file

  Serial.println("Append the file");

  file.println("Appended text");


//Read the file

file = SPIFFS.open("/mydir/file.txt", "r");

  if (!file) {

    Serial.println("Error opening file");



 // Print the contents of the file

  while (file.available()) {





  listDir(SPIFFS, "/", 0);

 // Rename the file

  if (SPIFFS.rename("/mydir/file.txt", "/mydir/newfile.txt")) {

    Serial.println("File renamed successfully");

  } else {

    Serial.println("Error renaming file");



  listDir(SPIFFS, "/", 0);

// Delete the file

  if (SPIFFS.remove("/mydir/newfile.txt")) {

    Serial.println("File removed successfully");

  } else {

    Serial.println("Error removing file");


 listDir(SPIFFS, "/", 0);


void loop()




This code demonstrates how to create a directory, create a file, write data to the file, read data from the file, append data to the file, rename the file, and delete the file using SPIFFS on ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. Note that this is just a sample code, and you may need to modify it for your specific use case.

  1. Initialization: The code starts by initializing the serial communication at 115200 baud rate and mounting the SPIFFS file system. If the SPIFFS file system is not mounted successfully, an error message is displayed.
  2. Creating a directory: The code checks if a directory named "mydir" exists in the file system. If it doesn't exist, the code creates a new directory using the SPIFFS.mkdir("/mydir") method.
  3. Creating a file and writing data to it: The code creates a file named "file.txt" in the "mydir" directory using the SPIFFS.open("/mydir/file.txt", "w") method. The file is opened in write mode, and data is written to it using the file.println("Hello, SPIFFS!") method. After writing the data, the file is closed using the file.close() method.
  4. Reading data from a file: The code opens the "file.txt" file in read mode using the SPIFFS.open("/mydir/file.txt", "r") method. Data is read from the file and displayed on the serial monitor using the Serial.write(file.read()) method. After reading the data, the file is closed using the file.close() method.
  5. Appending data to a file: The code opens the "file1.txt" file in append mode using the SPIFFS.open("/mydir/file.txt", "a") method. Data is appended to the file using the file.println(" This is an additional line of data.") method. After appending the data, the file is closed using the file.close() method.
  6. Renaming a file: The code renames the "file1.txt" file to "newfile.txt" using the SPIFFS.rename("/mydir/file.txt", "/mydir/newfile.txt") method. If the file is renamed successfully, a success message is displayed on the serial monitor.
  7. Deleting a file: The code deletes the "file2.txt" file using the SPIFFS.remove("/mydir/newfile.txt") method. If the file is deleted successfully, a success message is displayed on the serial monitor.


In conclusion, SPIFFS is a useful file system for microcontroller systems that require simple storage and retrieval of data. It is efficient, lightweight, and easy to use, but has limited functionality compared to other file systems. SPIFFS is a suitable choice for projects that require a basic file system for storing small amounts of data.

Additionally, SPIFFS allows the user to format the flash memory as a file system, create and delete files, and write and read data from the files. It also supports subdirectories, which can be useful for organizing data within the file system. However, it does not support features such as file compression, encryption, or journaling, which are found in more advanced file systems. Overall, SPIFFS is a simple and practical solution for projects that require basic file system functionality.

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